Jan 31, 2019
This week we are joined by Murad Mahmudov to discuss a litany of topics. Had a bunch of topics planned but didn't get to all of them. A lot of tangents.
Thanks to our sponsors:
BlockFi - Head over to www.blockfi.com/talesfromthecrypt and learn how to leverage your crypto without selling!
HoneyMiner - Now available...
Jan 25, 2019
This week Marty and Matt discuss:
- Venezuela - https://twitter.com/btcven
- Post-Soviet LN + Satellite API messages - https://twitter.com/notgrubles/status/1088402776638541827
- Lightning games - https://mailchi.mp/9e176e464777/martys-bent-january-21st-2018-issue-402
- Georgia & Bitfury...
Jan 24, 2019
Join Marty as he sits down with Chris Dannen, co-founder and Partner at Iterative Capital, to discuss a range of topics including the evolution of software development culture, destroying the technostructure, the poison that is mainstream media, and much more.
Follow Chris on Twitter:...
Jan 18, 2019
Join Marty on this week's edition of Tales from the Crypt as he sits down with BitcoinTINA aka Rick Flex to discuss how bullish he is, past tech trends and how we may use them to guess how Bitcoin adoption may play out, and much much more. Banger of an episode.
Jan 18, 2019
In this episode we discuss:
-ETH 2.0
-Constantinople bug and delay
-LN network analysis
-Putin bitcoin rumor
-Wasabi multi-denominations
-ETC was indeed reorged chain wide
-China plans on using great...